Wednesday, July 14, 2010

We had an amazing day with our orphan campers that started out at the clay pottery shop. The theme of the morning with the kids was that God is the potter and we are the clay and if we allow Him he will shape us into the person he wants us to be. We are each unique and have a special purposed for our lives regardless of what physical limitations we think we have or the world says we have. The kids had a blast as did we getting all messy but the message was strong and they loved the experience. We also found out that our orphan Kao Kao is a Christian and that the one eye that she has a little sight in is getting worse and will result in total blindness ultimately and the worse part is it could probably be partially if not completely corrected if she had the right high level medical attention that she would get in America. The top group picture is of the two care takers at the orphanage and three of the orphan girls that live together. There are a total of 15 kids ranging in age from 6 to 15 that live in one 12X12 room with very little air conditioning for the summer heat which can reach well over 100 degrees. They watch over each other in such a special way it is very emotional to watch them. Because the Chinese government put so little value on human life none of these kids are "registered with the government which basically means they do not exist and have no rights or records. They are totally dependent on the care basic care they receive at the orphanage and I can tell you it is not much.

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